Our Company

JUNO, a premier digital solutions company and a proud member of the WrightHCS family.

JUNO is a key component of WrightHCS, an umbrella company headquartered in Antwerp, Belgium. WrightHCS oversees a diverse portfolio of companies, each excelling in their respective fields and regions. Being part of this dynamic group allows LaunchJuno to leverage a wealth of resources and expertise, ensuring that we provide top-tier services to our clients.



Our sister companies

DNS Events

Specializing in event management, DNS Events provides comprehensive solutions for some of the world’s largest festivals, including project management, cashless services, access control, data analytics, and financial operations.

Creative Media Solutions

Creative Media Solutions is the Americas division of Launchjuno. We offer top-tier creative services that cater to diverse client needs. Our team delivers innovative media solutions that captivate audiences and drive engagement.

Wright Holding

Wright Holding serves as the financial backbone of WrightHCS, concentrating on strategic investments and other financial ventures. Our goal is to identify opportunities that drive sustainable growth and long-term success.

Empowering Innovation, Building Futures

At JUNO, we are committed to driving innovation and excellence. As part of the WrightHCS family, we continuously explore new opportunities and niches to expand our offerings and provide exceptional value to our clients. Our strategic location in Antwerp, combined with our global reach, positions us perfectly to make a significant impact in the digital world.

Ready for launch?